Important: Follow the steps in this article only if you were previously using ScreenPal's LTI version 1.1 plug-in with Blackboard and you would now like to install LTI version 1.3. If you are installing our LTI v1.3 plug-in for the first time, follow the instructions outlined in
Set up ScreenPal with Blackboard using LTI v1.3.
Before you begin
Determine the answers to the following two questions:
1. If you have an existing ScreenPal LTI v1.1 installation, determine which domain it is pointing to. There are two existing installation types:
- Legacy screencast-o-matic.com
- Newer screenpal.com
In order to determine which domain your current ScreenPal LTI v1.1 plug-in is currently pointing to, complete these steps:
a. Log into Blackboard as an administrator
b. On your Blackboard domain, go to the Administrator Panel (/ultra/admin).
c. Under Integrations, click LTI Tool Providers. This opens the Administrator Tools list.
d. Locate your existing Screencast-O-Matic or ScreenPal LTI v1.1. installation in the list. For example:
e. Click the drop-down arrow next to the name of the tool and select Edit from the list.
f. Make a note of the value in the Provider Domain field.
g. Click Cancel to go back to the Administrator Tools page.
2. Decide whether you'd like to migrate your existing ScreenPal links and content to LTI version 1.3 or complete a hybrid installation.
A hybrid installation will leave all existing ScreenPal content in your courses pointing to LTI v1.1. It is considered best practice to migrate existing links for the following reasons:
- If Blackboard later determines that they will block all LTI v1.1 content, these links will stop working and the content will no longer be available.
- If this happens, you will need to manually replace all links and content using the new LTI v1.3 tool.
- You'll need to consider active placements, which can cause confusion if older tools are not removed from the available tools lists.
Choose your next step:
- If the value of Provider Domain is screencast-o-matic.com, and you do NOT want to migrate existing ScreenPal links, see the first-time installation instructions outlined in Set up ScreenPal with Blackboard using LTI v1.3.
- If the value of Provider Domain is screencast-o-matic.com and you DO want to migrate all existing links to LTI version 1.3, refer to the Preparation Scenario 1 section below.
- If the value of Provider Domain is screenpal.com and you do NOT want to migrate existing ScreenPal links, complete the steps in the Preparation Scenario 2 section below.
- If the value of Provider Domain is screenpal.com and you DO want to migrate all existing ScreenPal links to LTI version 1.3, go to the ScreenPal LTI v1.3 Migration Installation section at the end of this article.
Preparation Scenario 1: Legacy installations pointing to screencast-o-matic.com with link migration
When you install a new LTI v1.3 instance, Blackboard will check for existing LTI v1.1 installations with a matching domain. In this case, your domain will not match, since it was previously set to screencast-o-matic.com and we are now screenpal.com.
Since you have chosen this scenario, you must first complete the following steps before you attempt to install LTI v1.3 to facilitate the automatic migration of your existing ScreenPal links.
1. Log into Blackboard as an administrator and navigate to /ultra/admin on your Blackboard domain.
2. Under Integrations, click LTI Tool Providers.
3. Locate the existing ScreenPal LTI v1.1 installation in the list. Hover over it and click the arrow that appears next to the name of the tool. Select Edit.

4. For Provider Domain, remove the existing value and enter screenpal.com. Click Submit.
5. Click the arrow next to the name of the ScreenPal plug-in again, and select Manage Placements.
6. Locate the existing ScreenPal LTI v1.1 placement in the list. Hover over it, click the drop-down arrow, and select Edit.
7. Scroll down to the
Tool Provider Information section. In the
Tool Provider URL field, remove the existing value and enter
After you complete the steps above, go to the Migration Installation steps in the last section of this article.
Alert: If you attempt to install LTI v1.3 and you do not see an alert about migration after you enter your Client ID, stop and click Cancel. Check to ensure that both URLs were updated properly before continuing.
Preparation Scenario 2: Installations after the rebrand to screenpal.com with no link migration
When you attempt to install our LTI v1.3 plug-in, Blackboard will automatically attempt to migrate your old installation. You must takes steps to prevent this from happening before you install LTI v1.3.
1. Log into Blackboard as an Administrator.
2. Under Integrations, click LTI Tool Providers.
3. Locate the existing LTI v1.1 installation in the list. Hover over it, click the drop-down arrow, and select Edit.
4. Change the value in the Provider Domain field to screencast-o-matic and click Submit.
5. Locate this installation in the list again. Hover over it, click the drop-down arrow, and select Mange Placements.
6. Find the LTI v1.1 placement in the list. Hover over it, click the drop-down arrow, and click Edit.

Alert: If you attempt to install ScreenPal LTI v1.3 and you see an alert about migration, stop and click Cancel. Check to ensure that both URLs were properly updated before you proceed.
ScreenPal LTI v1.3 Migration Installation
As long as your existing installation of the ScreenPal LTI v1.1 tool has the domain set to screenpal.com as outlined above, the standard installation steps for LTI v1.3 will automatically upgrade your existing LTI v1.1 links, as long as you complete the following steps:
1. After entering the Client ID to register ScreenPal as an LTI v1.3 provider, you'll be presented with a dialog stating that the existing installation will be upgraded. Click OK to start the upgrade.
2. Once the page reloads, click Edit next to the new ScreenPal LTI v1.3 provider entry.
3. Copy the Deployment ID for entry into ScreenPal (Settings > Integrations).