Team Member
What happens if my Team Plan lapses?
What happens when you are a member of a K-12 Team Plan that lapses? When you are a member of a Team Plan whose Team Administrator has identified it as a K-12 plan, your content will be frozen when your plan lapses. You will see this message when you ...
Access ScreenPal as the member of a Team Plan
As a member of a Team Plan, there are several ways you can access our tools. Sign Up Link If your Team Administrator sends you a sign-up link, click it to sign into your existing ScreenPal account, or create a new account, and request access to your ...
I use Single Sign On to log in but I cannot access my Team Plan
When your organization configures Team Member access to our creator tools using Single Sign On (via SAML), it means that you can visit your team's access page and enter the username and password used to log into your organization's network to access ...
My Team Plan does not require account creation; How do I access the tools?
The Administrator of your Team Plan can enable team users access to the creator tools without having to create a user account. If this is the case for your team, you will access our tools by visiting the unique Custom Access Page setup by your Team ...
Groups: Usage and sharing
If you are part of a Team plan, your Team Admin can create collections of users called Groups. You can then share content to groups and to collaborate on content projects across your team. Share Content to a group 1. Log into your team account and ...
How do I know if my account has been added to a Team Plan?
The steps below assume that you already have an account that is associated with a Team Plan. If your organization has a Team Plan that does not require you to create an account to access our tools, see My Team Plan does not require account creation; ...
If I'm part of a Team Plan can my videos be seen by everyone?
When you join a Team as a Team Member, you get your own private, dedicated hosting space. Once you are added as a Team Member, only your administrator(s) can see your content, until you choose to share it. You can choose to share content with other ...
Join my Team Plan
If your organization purchased a Team Plan that requires you have an account with us (for example, you need an account to host videos and images on our site), you need to join the Team Plan to access advanced features. There are a few ways you can ...
Multiple users uploading to one Hosting site
Members of a Team Plan can share their content with other members of the team. Each Team Member will have their own login and password. When a Team Member uploads content to the Team Hosting account, by default they will be the only ones who can see ...