Our Impersonation feature enables Account Owners and Administrators to temporarily become an authenticated member of their team for testing purposes.
Please note that you do not need to know a user's password in order to impersonate them, nor does using the Impersonation feature give you access to a user's password.
When impersonating a user, an Administrator can see and do exactly what that user will be able to see and do, enabling the Admin to correctly grant that user the applicable permissions.
Follow the steps below to impersonate a user.
1. Log into your Team Account as an Account Owner or Administrator.
2. Click Users at the top of the page.
3. From the Users page, click the name of the user you would like to impersonate.
You can only impersonate users who have been approved as members of your team. Other administrators, as well as users with a Status of Invited cannot be impersonated.
4. From the selected user's profile, click the Impersonate button (). The selected user's Content page opens. The name of the user you are impersonating is displayed in an orange banner at the top of the screen.
5. From the menu on the left side of the page, you can verify which folders and channels the user has access to.
6. To exit Impersonation mode, click the X on the right side of the orange banner.
The application returns you to your own Content page.
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