Team Admin: Feature Access Settings

Team Admin: Feature Access Settings

Team Creators versus Team Users

When you have a Team Plan, ScreenPal Team Creator licenses are consumed when one of the following occurs:
  1. A user logs into a ScreenPal hosting account that is associated with your Team Plan during the plan month and interacts with video or image content, views analytics information, opens their Settings page, opens a channel or folder, or navigates to the Users page. This includes launching the ScreenPal LTI plug-in from within a Learning Management System (LMS).
  2. A user launches any of the ScreenPal desktop apps (Screen Recorder, Screenshot tool, Project Manager, or Video Editor).  This includes launching the apps from a desktop shortcut or from the Windows toolbar or Mac menu bar, or launching the tools from a Team Feature Access page or a Custom Access page. If the application is set to auto-run at start-up, it will use a license
When you add a user to your team, but they do not log into their ScreenPal Team Plan account or launch any of the ScreenPal tools, they are considered a Team User.  Team Users do not consume Team licenses and you can have an unlimited number of Team Users within your Team Plan.

Team Plan settings

Team Plans have optional settings called Feature Access Defaults that you can configure for the tools (screen recorder and video editor) when they are launched.  As a Team Admin, you have the option to:
  1. Enable Backup and Restore Services: Team Users will be able to set up secure and private backup and restore for local media files to save disk space and work across machines.
  2. Configure Publishing Options: By default, all upload options and Save As are available. However, you can choose not to display all of these options in the screen recorder and video editor.
  3. Configure Chromebook Save Locations: You can save Chromebook recordings to local disk, to Google Drive (recommended), or to both, when a team member selects a save location.
  4. Configure user visibility and management settings: Determine whether you want to allow members of your team to see other members and invite new members.

Feature Access Pages with a unique URL can also be configured when needed.  You will need to configure an access page for:
  1. SAML: When you have SAML configured to enable Team Creator access to the screen capture and editing tools and associated Team Plan features, this page will be used to redirect to your network login for authentication into your Team Plan.
  2. Tools access without user accounts: Your team plan can allow users access to the creator tools without having to create a user account.  The feature access page is used to grant licenses to Team Creators who need access to the tools and Team Plan features.

Team Feature Access Pages

Use the Team Feature Access area to set the defaults for how content can be created and shared by members of your Team Plan. 

Go to Team Features Access from the left menu located in Settings

To modify the Feature Access Default settings, click the pencil icon (). 

A menu is displayed that you can use to configure your Team features.

1. Upload Endpoints are the publishing options presented to your Team Creators when they publish their content from our tools.

2. Save Locations (Chromebook) are the locations that your Team Creators can select for saving their recordings if they are using a Chromebook. It is recommended that you limit the save location to Google Drive

3. Secure Backup gives you the option to enable Backup and Restore, which will be presented to Team Creators when using the Project Manager on both Windows and Mac.

4. The User Visibility & Management section enables you to determine if team members can see other users within the team and invite new users to join your team:
  1. To allow members of your team to see other users within your team, select the check box for Allow users to see other users on team plan.
  2. To enable members of your team to invite other users to your Team Plan, select Allow users to invite other users to the plan. When you select this option you can also decide whether to automatically add users that your team members invite, or to first require the approval of a Team Admin before adding them.

If you are adding team members by manually inviting them to your Team Plan, you are now finished with Team Feature Access settings.

If you use SAML for Team Member authentication or you are not creating users in your Team Plan, you will need to configure a Team Feature Access Page.  You can create a default Team Feature Access Page that includes user accounts and optional custom access pages to allow other individuals access to the tools without creating a user account. This enables you to support unique features for different Creator groups.

To do this, toggle Access URL to On and follow the steps below.

1. First, specify a unique Access URL for your page. This URL will be formatted as[UniqueURL].

2. Optionally, you can enter a Page Title, which is displayed at the top of your unique access page.

3. Designate the Security Options. These options control how licensing will be enabled for Creators to gain access to the tools.
  1. If you configured SAML in Authentication settings, select the SAML Login radio button.
  2. If you will not create accounts for each user included in your Team Plan and want to protect your access page with a password, select the Require Password to Access Page radio button and enter a password.  You will need to share this password with your Team Creators.
  3. If you will not create users in your Team Plan and do not want a password to protect your access page, select the None radio button.

Once you configure you access page, you will need to share the unique URL with your Team Creators so they can visit the page and launch the tools. Your access page will look like this:

Custom Access Pages (optional)

You can create Custom Access Pages, which have different settings than the Feature Access Default settings. This enables you to define settings for different groups of Creators. Custom Access Pages only support Creators that do not have a user account as part of your team plan. 

For example, a school district that wants to enable all our tools and features for their teachers, but limit features for their students without creating an account for each student could use this option.

To create a Custom Access Page, click +New Access Page under No Account Required: Custom Access Pages.

A simplified settings page is displayed. This page enables you to configure Upload Endpoints and Save Locations for Chromebooks, as well as your Customer Access Page unique Access URL and Page Title

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