Recorder captures all black instead of the screen (Windows)

Recorder captures all black instead of the screen (Windows)

Our recorder may record empty (black) video at times.  These are two methods that may help alleviate the problem. In addition to the methods outlined below, please be sure you are running the latest version of our application. 

Windowed Mode

If you are using the Screen Recorder to capture a game or application in full-screen mode, you should run the game or application in windowed mode instead of full-screen mode.


Some anti-virus programs have a feature to block screen capture.  This may block our app from recording video.  If you have one of the following anti-virus programs, try changing the settings to enable screen capture:
  1. Webroot
  2. Trustee Rapport 
If you have a different anti-virus program running, disable it to see if that fixes the problem.  If you find this to be the case, please let our support team know and we will add it to the list above.

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