Uninstall and reinstall our desktop application on MAC OS

Uninstall and reinstall our desktop application on MAC OS

Uninstalling the ScreenPal Desktop Application

Before you can uninstall ScreenPal on Mac OS, you need to quit the app if it is currently running.
To do this, press CTRL and click the ScreenPal app icon in the Mac menu bar and then click Quit.

To uninstall ScreenPal, open the Mac Applications folder and drag the folder named ScreenPal-v3 to the trash.  
Next, click Go on the Mac Finder menu, hold down the Option key and then click Library

Note: The Library option will not display unless you press the Option key on your keyboard. You must also hold the Option key while clicking Library.

Drag the folder named ScreenPal-v3 to the trash.

Important: Empty the trash and restart your computer.

Now, let's reinstall:

To reinstall the application on your Mac computer, please log into your account on screenpal.com, click the Create button in the top right, and then click one of the tools options (such as Edit Image or Edit Video).

Don't have a ScreenPal account?  No problem! Just visit the Screen Recorder or Video Editor pages and install the app.

Once installed, you can launch the ScreenPal application directly from the website, from your Applications folder, or if you do have an account, from the Mac Menu.

Please contact our support team if you need further assistance. 

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