Add SAML Login using Premium Azure

Add SAML Login using Premium Azure

Adding SAML Login using Premium Azure

Once you have your ADFS server setup, your Team Plan admin may choose to optionally require login via SAML from the Admin Account Authentication Settings.

1. Log in as Team Admin and click your user icon, then select Settings.

2. On left sidebar, click Authentication.

3. Under SAML User Access move the toggle to the On position, which forces your users to login via SAML.

Once enabled, you will see additional settings for setting up communication between ScreenPal and the ADFS identity provider.

4. Download the metadata XML file under ScreenPal SAML Info.

1. Go to Azure Portal > Azure Active Directory. 

2. Go to Enterprise applications > All applications and click New application.



3. Select Non-gallery application, enter the name, and click Add.



4. Before setting up SSO, determine if users will be assigned to the app or if all users will have access.
* If users will be assigned, assign them under Users and groups.
* If all users will have access, set User assignment required to No on the Properties screen.



5. On the app config screen, select Single Sign-on and switch the dropdown to SAML-based Sign-on.



6. On the account page, download the metadata file from the Hosting Settings > Setup dialog under SAML User Access. Upload using the upload a metadata file link.


7. Under User Attributes, change the User Identifier to user.mail.



8. Click Save at the top to save the configuration.

9. Under SAML Signing Certificate, click the “Metadata XML” link to download the metadata for this setup.

10. Back on your account page for hosting, upload this XML file under Upload IDP Metadata XML File on the Setup Access Page under SAML User Access.

11. Click the Test Login link to make sure the login works. If it says the user is not registered in the application, make sure the user accounts are set up correctly (see step 4).

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